25.07.2005 - 22.08.2005

My dear friends from Privet School,

I think that my last letter didn't arrive to you I hope this one does...

How are you? I hope so well. I am very well myself. My trip back to Spain was perfect thanks to your help. A bit long though. Maybe in the future they may put more flights going to Kaliningrad and that improvement is going to make a big change for the tourists and students going there. Also for the Russian people.

I have such a good souvenir from the courses in your school, from my teacher Inga so patient and professional, from the lovely excursions, from my companions and from the wonderful family I was living with. All was perfect thanks to the great management you have in your school. I will love to go back sometime in the future... Take care! With love, Conchita Ceballos